(page 20)
SECTION # 2 - Early Pousson family in France - from early common ancestor to the original four Pousson's that came to Louisiana
Our Pousson ancestors did not migrate through Canada like the many Cajuns from this area of Louisiana. Our Pousson ancestors came directly from France - they were all from near St. Gaudens (department of Haute Garonne) located near the border with Spain. (ref. exhibit 9 and 10). Several other families came from this area of France and settled here in Louisiana: Bourgeois, Conques, Franques, Guchereau, Mathieu, Sensat, etc. I assume some of these families may have known each other before they moved to Louisiana.
Our Pousson ancestors did not migrate through Canada like the many Cajuns from this area of Louisiana. Our Pousson ancestors came directly from France - they were all from near St. Gaudens (department of Haute Garonne) located near the border with Spain. (ref. exhibit 9 and 10). Several other families came from this area of France and settled here in Louisiana: Bourgeois, Conques, Franques, Guchereau, Mathieu, Sensat, etc. I assume some of these families may have known each other before they moved to Louisiana.
{exhibit 9}
Map of France showing different departments
in the Midi-Pyrenees area of France - department
# 31 is the department of Haute Garonne - the
location of the towns of St. Gaudens, Villeneuve
de Riviere, Lespiteau, and Bordes de Riviere
de Riviere, Lespiteau, and Bordes de Riviere
{exhibit 10}
Detailed map of the area around St. Gaudens showing the towns of Villeneuve de Riviere, Lespiteau, and Bordes de Riviere
(page 21)
(page 21)
This area of France has been known by various names - Gallia Narbonnensis, Midi Pyrenees, Basque Country, Gascony, Kingdom of Toulouse, Languedoc, Occitania, and Southwestern France.
In 600 BC this area was settled by Phoceans from Greece, who brought the culture of the vine and olive. In 121 BC the Romans, who made Narbonne the capital of this key province of their empire, called Gallia Narbonnensis. By 924 AD, in the Dark Ages, the Saracens invaded: they were a warlike but cultured people who were a major formative influence on the civilization that blossomed in the 11th and 12th centuries when Languedoc was a powerful independent realm ruled by the Counts of Toulouse. But then, in the early 13th century, the Cathar heresy (also known as Albigenses) provoked the fury of the pope and the King of France, and it was cruelly suppressed in a campaign that mixed religious crusade with imperial expansion. The Cathar/Albigenses were the members of a religious sect in southern France during the 12th and 13th centuries. Their name is derived from the French town of Albi, where they were centered. Similar groups in other parts of Europe were called Cathar, meaning the pure ones. The Albigenses adhered to a strict dualism. They considered the material world as evil: redemption meant the liberation of the soul from flesh. This led them to condemn marriage and sex. Meat, milk, eggs, and other animal products were forbidden. They also rejected the sacraments because of the material elements involved. Their own sacrament, the consolamentum, or baptism of the soul, was administered by laying on of hands. Only the "perfect" received it, and they were expected to live by a rigorous ethical code. When a papal legate was assassinated in the territory of Count Raymond of Toulouse, Pope Innocent III called for a crusade that developed into the infamous Albigensian wars (1209-1229). Simon de Montfort's massacre (1209) of the inhabitants of Beziers stands out as an example of the crusaders' cruel conduct. Asked how to separate Christians from heretics, one leader is said to have replied: "Slay them all. God knows his own.". Some 200 of the Cathars/Albigenses were burned alive at their lonely mountain citadel of Montsegur, whose ruins still stand, and in Beziers over 15,000 men, women, and children were butchered in 1209. Even today, these events have not been forgotten or forgiven by the people of Languedoc, where tribal memories run deep and resentment against Paris persists. During the French Revolution this area was divided into nine departments of Ardeche, Ariege, Aude, Gard, Haute Loire, Herault, Haute-Garonne, Tarn-et-Garonne, and Lozere.
In modern times the area has been reorganized into eight departments: Lozere, Tarn, Gard, Herault, Aude, Haute-Garonne, Pyrenees-Orientales, and Ariege, This is one of the largest provinces in France encompassing over 19,000 square miles, Montpellier and Toulouse are the largest cities with 200,000 and 350,000 habitants respectively. In the department of Haute Garonne, we find the towns of Villeneuve de Riviere, Bordes de Riviere, Lespiteau, and Saint Gaudens - homes of our ancestors.
When our Pousson ancestors came to Louisiana, it seems they said they were from St. Gaudens, France. I assume they said this because this was the largest town in the area where they were born. This caused problems due to the fact that in France if you want any type of record (birth, death, and/or marriage) you must get this document from the town or village the event happened or you must give the town or village name to the Archives Department in Toulouse (Central Archives for Haute-Garonne). When we wrote to St.Gaudens, they did not have records of the births of our ancestors simply because they were not born in St.Gaudens. I assume they visited the town of St.Gaudens because it was only a few miles from their homes (ref. exhibit 11 - picture given to me by John Durell Pousson III).
(page 22)
{exhibit 11}
Saint Gaudens church - church dates back to the 11th century
(page 23)
(page 23)
Several of our ancestors are named after St. Gaudens and obviously the town of St. Gaudens is also named after the martyr Gaudens. Like many of the historic events of this period, the circumstances of the life and death of the young martyr, who gave his name to the city, is obscure. With the romanticized tradition given to us, near the approach of the large village, then named "La Mas", a young shepherd, by the name of Gaudens, and his mother, called Quitterie, had their heads cut off because of their faith.
The bodies of Gaudens and his mother, Quitterie, were buried then exhumed in order to be the object of a popular cult acknowledged by the church. Pope Clement V, ancient bishop of Comminges, granted on January 30, 1309 an indulgence for all the faithful who would visit the shrine the day of the feast of St. Gaudens.
In a very ancient search in 1315, a wood container was found with some bones of Saint Gaudens and Saint Quitterie, a fragment of jaw bone with two teeth, a fragment of skull and a fragment of shoulder, these relics were verified in 1443 and 1506. At the time of the passage of the Huguenots in 1569, they burned and removed the largest part of the shrines with the exception of the items hidden by the priest in the church of Mondavezan, this parish still possess some relics of the Saints. On 30 August 1661, Bishop Gilbert of Choiseaul transferred the saved bones in a silver shrine. During the French revolution some of the relics and silver shrines were carried off. Some small bones were overlooked from this destruction and are today placed in a silver shrine.
The parish celebrates the feast of Saint Gaudens every year on the 30th of August - the day of the transfer of the relics by Bishop Gilbert of Choiseaul. (This history of St.Gaudens was translated and condensed from a tour guide given to me by John Durell Pousson III)
My first knowledge of the town of Villeneuve de Riviere, birth place of Mathieu Pousson, was from a copy of a letter to Mrs. Linda Pousson, California, dated 5 Oct. 1982, and was from the Archives Department of Haute Garonne - Toulouse, France. I first received a complete copy of this letter on 30 May 1994, the information was requested by Mr. Paul E. Pousson, a descendant of Mathieu Pousson. This was my starting point to get additional information concerning Mathieu's ancestors.
My first knowledge of the town of Lespiteau, birth place of Jean Bertrand Pousson, Bertrand Cadet Pousson, and Jeanne Pousson, was from a copy of a letter to Sister Marie de St.Paula, a descendant of Mathieu Pousson, from Ambroisine Caperan, a cousin from Lavaur-Tarn, France - letter is dated 15 Dec. 1935. Sister Marie de St. Paula recorded 16 letters concerning the Pousson family back in the 1930's, she corresponded with several of our cousins in France. Sister Paula recorded 13 letters that she wrote or received from our cousins in France. The first three letters are addressed to Mathieu Pousson from his brother (Jean Jacques) and his sister (Mariette) - these three letters were transcribed by, I assume, Sister Marie de St. Paula and are dated 1870, 1871, and 1872. All letters were written in French - the "original" of these letters is held by Juste Pousson - Iota, La. I thank Juste for giving me copies of these letters in March, 1995. Note: See section 5 - Mathieu Pousson for additional information and copies of a few of these letters. This was my starting point to get additional information concerning Jean Bertrand, Bertrand Cadet, and Jeanne Pousson.
From the starting points of Villeneuve de Riviere and Lespiteau, I was able to work backwards to get additional information that would eventually bring me back to St.Gaudens and our common ancestors - Jeannet Pousson and Marie Lafosse
To help follow the genealogy of the descendants of Jeannet Pousson and Marie Lafosse please refer to chart (ref. exhibit 12 and 12a).
(page 24)
Chart showing descendants of
Jeannet Pousson and Marie Lafosse
(first four generations only)
(page 25)
Chart showing descendants of
Jeannet Pousson and Marie Lafosse (first four generations only)
Note: Exhibits 13 through 45 will be shown at the end of this section
I - Mathreiie Pousson born 2 Apr. 1739 - St. Gaudens (ref. exhibit 13)
III A - Gaudens Pousson born 14 July 1775 - Bordes de Riviere (ref. exhibit 25). Gaudens married Gaudence Adoue born CA 1774 and they had at least three children: Jean Pousson born CA 1799 Villeneuve de Riviere died 12 Oct. 1804; Gaudens Pousson born CA 1803 Villeneuve de Riviere married Marie Jeanne Lafuste married 19 Feb. 1827 and they had at least six children; Bernard Pousson born 15 Oct. 1806 Villeneuve de Riviere. The information about this family was sent to me by the town of Villeneuve de Riviere - several documents.
IV A - Jean Simon Pousson born 7 Oct. 1803 (revolutionary calendar 6 Brumaire year 11 - new calendar years were to date not the birth of Christ, but from the birth of the French revolution - 22 Sept. 1792 - Day 1 of the new calendar.) Jean Simon born in Villeneuve de Riviere (ref. exhibit 34).
IV B - Gaudens Pousson also called "Cariaou" born 3 Sept. 1799 (revolutionary calendar 16 Fructidor year 7). Gaudens was born in Villeneuve de Riviere (ref. exhibit 35 - birth date shown on his marriage document). Gaudens was married twice - first to Anna Save (ref. exhibit 36 and 37) and second to Jeannette Dupuy (ref. exhibit 38 and 35). Anna Save was born in Villeneuve de Riviere on 23 Sept. 1800 and is the daughter of Paul Save and Marie Jeanne Abelle and Anna died 14 Nov. 1834 in Villeneuve de Riviere. Anna and Gaudens were married on 30 Jan 1826 in Villeneuve de Riviere. This couple had at least four children: Mathieu Pousson born 27 Dec. 1826 (ref. exhibit 39); Jean Jacques Pousson born 15 July 1829 (ref. exhibit 40) Jean Jacques married Jeanne Serrat and they had five children; Gaudense Pousson born 22 Jan 1832 (ref. exhibit 41) Gaudense married Guilliam Francois Dupuis and they had three children; and Jeanne Marie Pousson born 30 Aug. 1834 (ref. exhibit 42) never married. After Anna's death, Gaudens married Jeannette Dupuy on 6 Jun. 1836. Jeannette Dupuy was born in Lespiteau on 1 July 1797 (revolutionary calendar 13 Prairial year 5) she is the daughter of Jacques Dupuy and Jeanne Fages (Note: Jeannette Dupuy and Anne Jeanne Dupuy were sisters - Anne was the wife of Guillume Pousson the parents of Jean Bertrand Pousson, Bertrand Cadet Pousson, and Jeanne Pousson). This couple had at least two children: Jeannette Pousson born 7 Sept. 1837 (ref. exhibit 43) Jeannette died as an infant on 23 Sept. 1837 in Villeneuve de Riviere and Marie Pousson born 21 Oct. 1839 (ref. exhibit 44) Marie married a Mr. Caperan and had three children. All six of Gaudens children were born in Villeneuve de Riviere. Gaudens Pousson died 19 April 1870. It appears that only one of Gaudens six children came to the United States - Mathieu Pousson - more on Mathieu in section 5. Lots of additional information concerning Mathieu's family can be found by reading Sister Paula's recorded letters - several copies of these letters can be found in Mathieu's section 5.
IV C - Gaudens Pousson born CA 1799 and died 6 Sept. 1804 (revolutionary calendar 18 Fructidor year 12) at the age of five years - Villeneuve de Riviere (ref. exhibit 45). I assume this Gaudens may have been a twin of the other Gaudens who was also called "Cariaou".
NOTE: I have loosely translated some of the exhibits and given some of the documents in French and in English. Please let me know of any major errors.
Year 1739
Mathreiie Pousson daughter of Jean, Laborer and of Marie Lafosse married was born and baptized 2 April of this year (1739)... Godfather is Dominique Lafosse and Mathreiie Roby Godmother…
(page 24)
{exhibit 12} also see 12a
Chart showing descendants of
Jeannet Pousson and Marie Lafosse
(first four generations only)
(page 25)
{exhibit 12a}
Jeannet Pousson and Marie Lafosse (first four generations only)
Note: Exhibits 13 through 45 will be shown at the end of this section
Jeannet Pousson and Marie Lafosse were living in St. Gaudens when their children were born. I have written several letters to France requesting additional information (Birth dates, marriage dates, death dates, etc.) concerning these ancestors, but the only additional information I have is the death record of Jeannet Pousson (ref. exhibit 6). I have records showing that this couple had at least six children:
I - Mathreiie Pousson born 2 Apr. 1739 - St. Gaudens (ref. exhibit 13)
II - Annie Pousson born 29 Jan. 1743 - St. Gaudens (ref. exhibit 14)
III - Dominique Pousson born 11 Apr. 1744 - St. Gaudens (ref. exhibit 15, 16, and 17).
IV - Mathieu Pousson born 22 Jan. 1750 - St. Gaudens (ref. exhibit 18, 19, and 20).
V - Jean Pousson born 8 Apr 1752 - St. Gaudens (ref. exhibit 21)
VI - Jean Francois Pousson born 6 May 1759 - (ref. exhibit 22) - This name was also found on Mathieu Pousson's death record (ref. exhibit 23). "...by Sr. Jean Pousson, age of 53 years staying at Villeneuve de Riviere, profession of laborer who said he is brother of deceased."
III - Dominique Pousson born 11 Apr. 1744 - St. Gaudens married Francoise Puissegur 26 Jun. 1764 (ref. exhibit 24) they were married in Bordes de Riviere, a small town near St. Gaudens and next to Villeneuve de Riviere. I assume they lived in Bordes de Riviere due to the fact that their two children were born there. Dominique is shown as a laborer on his marriage record - laborer, plowman, and farmer were interchangeable on these older records. I have records showing this couple had at least two children:
III A - Gaudens Pousson born 14 July 1775 - Bordes de Riviere (ref. exhibit 25). Gaudens married Gaudence Adoue born CA 1774 and they had at least three children: Jean Pousson born CA 1799 Villeneuve de Riviere died 12 Oct. 1804; Gaudens Pousson born CA 1803 Villeneuve de Riviere married Marie Jeanne Lafuste married 19 Feb. 1827 and they had at least six children; Bernard Pousson born 15 Oct. 1806 Villeneuve de Riviere. The information about this family was sent to me by the town of Villeneuve de Riviere - several documents.
III B - Guillaume Pousson born 25 Jun. 1777 - Bordes de Riviere (ref. exhibit 26) Guillaume married Anne Jeanne Dupuy 29 May 1813 in the village of Lespiteau (ref. exhibit 27) Anne Jeanne Dupuy was born 8 August 1788 in the village of Lespiteau and is the daughter of Jacques Dupuy and Jeanne Fages. Guillaume's occupation is shown as a Weaver. Guillaume and Anne had at least three children: Jean Bertrand Pousson born 13 May 1815 - Lespiteau (ref. exhibit 28); Jeanne Pousson born 25 May 1818 - Lespiteau (ref. exhibit 29); and Bertrand Cadet Pousson born 7 May 1829 - Lespiteau (ref. exhibit 30). All three came to the United States and settled in Louisiana - more about each in sections 3 and 4. Guillaume and Anne died before 1858 (ref. exhibit 31 and 32 - Miscellaneous Acts St. Landry Court House - Opelousas, La. No. 3038) On 14 Sept. 1858, Jean Bertrand Pousson gave his "Power of Attorney" to his cousin in France to "...settle and to administer the succession of Guillaume Pousson and Anne Dupuis, his father and mother deceased, they lived in the township of Lespiteau, precinct of St.. Gaudens, department of Haute Garonne, France..."
IV - Mathieu Pousson born 22 Jan. 1750 - St. Gaudens married Jeanne Marie Fitte. Jeanne Marie died 25 Apr. 1833 in Villeneuve de Riviere (ref. exhibit 33). I do not have the marriage record of Mathieu and Jeanne but this is shown on exhibit 23, 33, 34, etc. Mathieu is shown as a laborer and died 30 Apr. 1812 in Villeneuve de Riviere (ref. exhibit 23). I have records showing this couple had at least three children:
IV A - Jean Simon Pousson born 7 Oct. 1803 (revolutionary calendar 6 Brumaire year 11 - new calendar years were to date not the birth of Christ, but from the birth of the French revolution - 22 Sept. 1792 - Day 1 of the new calendar.) Jean Simon born in Villeneuve de Riviere (ref. exhibit 34).
IV B - Gaudens Pousson also called "Cariaou" born 3 Sept. 1799 (revolutionary calendar 16 Fructidor year 7). Gaudens was born in Villeneuve de Riviere (ref. exhibit 35 - birth date shown on his marriage document). Gaudens was married twice - first to Anna Save (ref. exhibit 36 and 37) and second to Jeannette Dupuy (ref. exhibit 38 and 35). Anna Save was born in Villeneuve de Riviere on 23 Sept. 1800 and is the daughter of Paul Save and Marie Jeanne Abelle and Anna died 14 Nov. 1834 in Villeneuve de Riviere. Anna and Gaudens were married on 30 Jan 1826 in Villeneuve de Riviere. This couple had at least four children: Mathieu Pousson born 27 Dec. 1826 (ref. exhibit 39); Jean Jacques Pousson born 15 July 1829 (ref. exhibit 40) Jean Jacques married Jeanne Serrat and they had five children; Gaudense Pousson born 22 Jan 1832 (ref. exhibit 41) Gaudense married Guilliam Francois Dupuis and they had three children; and Jeanne Marie Pousson born 30 Aug. 1834 (ref. exhibit 42) never married. After Anna's death, Gaudens married Jeannette Dupuy on 6 Jun. 1836. Jeannette Dupuy was born in Lespiteau on 1 July 1797 (revolutionary calendar 13 Prairial year 5) she is the daughter of Jacques Dupuy and Jeanne Fages (Note: Jeannette Dupuy and Anne Jeanne Dupuy were sisters - Anne was the wife of Guillume Pousson the parents of Jean Bertrand Pousson, Bertrand Cadet Pousson, and Jeanne Pousson). This couple had at least two children: Jeannette Pousson born 7 Sept. 1837 (ref. exhibit 43) Jeannette died as an infant on 23 Sept. 1837 in Villeneuve de Riviere and Marie Pousson born 21 Oct. 1839 (ref. exhibit 44) Marie married a Mr. Caperan and had three children. All six of Gaudens children were born in Villeneuve de Riviere. Gaudens Pousson died 19 April 1870. It appears that only one of Gaudens six children came to the United States - Mathieu Pousson - more on Mathieu in section 5. Lots of additional information concerning Mathieu's family can be found by reading Sister Paula's recorded letters - several copies of these letters can be found in Mathieu's section 5.
IV C - Gaudens Pousson born CA 1799 and died 6 Sept. 1804 (revolutionary calendar 18 Fructidor year 12) at the age of five years - Villeneuve de Riviere (ref. exhibit 45). I assume this Gaudens may have been a twin of the other Gaudens who was also called "Cariaou".
{exhibit 13} see arrow
St. Gaudens 1737 - 1753 (Toulouse Archives)
Parish registers - Haute Garonne - France
Family History Center film 2062445 (4E 1865)
Year 1739
Mathreiie Pousson daughter of Jean, Laborer and of Marie Lafosse married was born and baptized 2 April of this year (1739)... Godfather is Dominique Lafosse and Mathreiie Roby Godmother…
{exhibit 14} see arrow
St. Gaudens 1737 - 1753 (Toulouse Archives)
Parish registers - Haute Garonne - France
Family History Center film 2062445 (4E 1865)
Year 1743
Annie Pousson daughter of Jean Pousson laborer (plowman) and of Marie Lafosse - married. Born 29 January of this year (1743) born and baptized Godfather Aledis Lafosse and Godmother Anne Lafosse …
{exhibit 15}
Letter, 23 Sept. 1996, from Archives of Haute Garonne Dept. birth record of Dominique Pousson - see exhibit 16 for - "extrait d'acte de naissance ou de bapteme"
{exhibit 16}
Birth record of Dominique Pousson - 11 Apr. 1744 - son of Jeannet Pousson and Marie Lafosse
{exhibit 17} see arrow (also see exhibit 15 and 16)
St. Gaudens 1737 - 1753 (Toulouse Archives)
Parish registers - Haute Garonne - France
Family History Center film 2062445 (4E 1865)
Year 1744
Dominique Pousson son of Jean, laborer (plowman) and of Marie Lafosse, married. Born and baptized 11 April of this year (1744). Godfather Francois Cassagner, merchant and Godmother Marie Casessus
Letter, 12 Dec. 1995, from Archives of Haute Garonne Dept. birth record of Mathieu Pousson - see exhibit 19 for - "extrait d'acte de naissance ou de bapteme"
{exhibit 19}
Birth record of Mathieu Pousson - 22 Jan. 1750 - son of Jeannet Pousson and Marie Lafosse
{exhibit 20) see arrow (also see exhibit 18 and 19)
St. Gaudens 1737 - 1753 (Toulouse Archives)
Parish registers - Haute Garonne - France
Family History Center film 2062445 (4E 1865)
Year 1750
Mathieu Pousson son of Jean, Laborer and of Marie Lafosse, married, born the 22nd day of January of this year (1750) was baptized and the Godfather is Dominique Lafosse and Godmother is Anne Lafosse and signed as required by law.
{exhibit 21) see arrow
St. Gaudens 1737 - 1753 (Toulouse Archives)
Parish registers - Haute Garonne - France
Family History Center film 2062445 (4E 1865)
Year 1752
Jean Pousson son of Jean, Laborer and of Marie Lafosse married and baptized 8th day of April of this year (1752). Godfather Jean…Godmother…
{exhibit 22) see arrow (also see exhibit 23 - Mathieu’s death record)
St. Gaudens 1737 - 1753 (Toulouse Archives)
Parish registers - Haute Garonne - France
Family History Center film 2062446 (4E 1865)
Year 1759
Jean Francois Pousson son of Jean, laborer and of Marie Lafosse, married, was born and baptized on the 5th of May of this year (1759). That the Godfather is Francois Pousson signed and the Godmother is Marie Anne Pousson - sign as required by the law (church) Deneausse/vic.
Note: The godparents were required to sign in case the parents died. The godparents were charged with the responsibility to teach the child the faith.
{exhibit 23}
Death record of Mathieu Pousson - 30 Apr. 1812 - father of Gaudens Pousson
The thirtieth day of the month of April, one thousand eight hundred and twelve at six o'clock of the night.
Act of death of Mathieu Pousson also called "Cariasu" deceased the same day - 30th of April in the house of his spouse area of Grillots at four o'clock in the morning profession of laborer age of 66 years born at St. Gaudens, department of the Haute Garonne living at Villeneuve de Riviere and married to Marie Fitte - spinner. Son of Jeannet Pousson and Maire Lafosse - deceased.
On the declaration made by Sr. Jean Payrau also called "ganurhe" age of 43, staying at Villeneuve de Riviere, profession of laborers who said he was a near neighbor of deceased and by Sr. Jean Pousson, age of 53 years, staying at Villeneuve de Riviere, profession of laborers who said he is brother of deceased. By all present the present act was made and declared who has signed with the exception of Jean Pousson...
Verify by me Jean Pierre Couat, mayor of the township doing the functions of the public office of the civil state, undersigned
Marriage of Dominique Pousson and Francoise Puissegur - 26 June 1764
The year one thousand seven hundred and sixty four and the twenty sixth day of the month of June. We sign the marriage date was celebrated in the church of Bordes between Dominique Pousson, laborer, living in Bordes on the one hand and Francoise Puissegur (Pouyegur) from the parish of St. Gaudens, the other part. After the publication of banns which were made three consecutive Sundays, we are not aware of any objection and have seen the certificates of the parish priest of St. Gaudens and with the mutual consent of the parties, who have signed below, the priest has given his nuptial blessing. Required in the presence of (witness) Jean Dove and Jean de Bapmate, laborer of this area - in the faith I have signed. S/R.A. Bulbe, parish priest.
exhibit 25} - see arrow - five lines of this document from town of Bordes de Riviere
Birth of Gaudens Pousson - 14 July 1775
Gaudens Pousson legitimate son of Dominique Pousson and of Francoise Puissegur, married of Bordes, was born and was baptized the fourteenth of July the year one thousand seven hundred and seventy five (14 July 1775). I did for the church of Bordes by the undersigned godfather and godmother who are Gratian Phage and Marianne Pousson of Montijeau who unable to sign at the request, I swear this is the truth - Couat, priest, vicar
{exhibit 26} - see arrow - four lines of this document from Bordes de Riviere
Birth of Guillaume Pousson - 25 June 1777
Guillaume Pousson legitimate son of Dominique Pousson and of Francoise Puissegur, married of Bordes, he was born and baptized the twenty fifth of June the year one thousand seven hundred and seventy seven (25 June 1777). The godfather and godmother who are Guillaume Ovey Legus and Bertrande Gary of St. Gaudens who unable to sign the request, I swear this is the truth - Couat, priest, vicar
Note: Guillaume is Jean Bertrand, Bertrand Cadet, and Jeanne Pousson's father - Bordes de Riviere is near St. Gaudens
{exhibit 27}
Marriage of Guillaume Pousson
(weaver) and Anne Dupuy (no
profession) 29 May 1813
Town - Lespiteau, France
{exhibit 28}
Birth record of Jean Bertrand Pousson - 13 May 1815 - Mayor of Lespiteau's letter dated 18 July 1995 (population of about 60 people today)
Excerpt from register of civil state
On the thirteenth day of the month of May 1815 at 10 o'clock morning. Act of birth of Jean Bertrand Pousson. The thirteenth of May 1815 at 10 o'clock morning - Guillaume Pousson, profession of weaver, staying in Lespiteau and of Jeanne Dupuy - married.
The sex of the child was acknowledged as being a son.
First witness: Dominique Artigue age of 46 years, profession of beer maker living in Lespiteau, Second witness: Gaudens Micas age of 34 years, profession plowman, living in Lespiteau. Upon the statement made by Jeanne Lefont, midwife, reading of present act made by us and to the witness who said they don't know how to sign.
{exhibit 29}
Birth record of Jeanne Marie Pousson - 25 May 1818
Birth record of Bertrand "Cadet" Pousson - 7 May 1829
{exhibit 31} also ref. exhibit 32
Miscellaneous Acts - St. Landry Parish
Court House - Opelousas, La. (#3038)
14 Sept. 1858 - Jean Bertrand Pousson to
Gaudens Pousson "Power of Attorney"
Note: this is only an "index" of the four
page document - translation under this
"index" document
United States of America - State of Louisiana - Parish of St. Landry - Opelousas
By act before Yves Davy, recorder for the parish of St. Landry. The gentleman Jean Bertrand Pousson, of the parish of St. Landry, has given a proxy (Power of Attorney) general to the gentleman Gaudens Pousson, his cousin, so called "Carreas", living in the township of Villeneuve de Riviere, precinct of St. Gaudens, department of the Haute Garonne - France, for settling and to administer the succession of Guillaume Pousson and Anne Dupuy, his father and mother deceased - they lived in the township of Lespiteau, precinct of St. Gaudens, department of the Haute Garonne, France......
Note: the Gaudens Pousson in this notice is Mathieu Pousson's father
{exhibit 32} also ref. exhibit 31
Miscellaneous Acts - St. Landry Parish Court House - Opelousas, Louisiana (#3038)
File # 3038 is four pages long - I am only showing "index" page and page four of the actual document - page four shows Jean Bertrand Pousson's signature
{exhibit 33}
Death record of Jeanne Marie Fitte - 25 Apr. 1833 (widow of Mathieu Pousson)
The twenty fifth of April, one thousand eight hundred and thirty three at eleven o'clock in the morning. Act of death of Jean Marie Fitte, widow of Mathieu Pousson also called "Cariasu" died today at eight o'clock in the morning in the house in the section of Grillots, age of 70 years, profession of spinner, born at Villeneuve de Riviere, Department of Haute Garonne, where she lived. Daughter of ....
On the declaration of Jean Payrau also called "ganurhe", age of 65 profession of laborer, living at Villeneuve de Riviere, we are told he is a neighbor of the deceased, and Jean Francise Lahore, age of 33 years profession of instructor who we are told knew the deceased.
By those present the present act was made and declared who has signed
Verify by the Mayor of the township of Villeneuve de Riviere doing the functions of the public office of the civil sate, undersigned
{exhibit 34}
Birth record of Jean Simon Pousson son of Mathieu Pousson and Jeanne Marie Fitte (month of Brumaire - Autumn - revolutionary calendar - 7 Oct. 1803)
{exhibit 35} ref. exhibit 38
Marriage record of Gaudens Pousson, widower of Anne Save, and Jeannette Dupuy - 6 June 1836 - see exhibit 38 for copy of French document - (Gaudens birth date is shown on this marriage document)
Marriage record of Gaudens Pousson and Anna Save - 30 Jan. 1826 - see exhibit 37 for English
{exhibit 37} ref. exhibit 36
Marriage record of Gaudens Pousson and Anna Save - 30 Jan. 1826 - this exhibit is the English translation of the French document shown in exhibit 36
{exhibit 38} ref. exhibit 35
Marriage record of Gaudens Pousson and Jeannette Dupuy - 6 June 1836 (ref. exhibit 35 for English translation of this document)
{exhibit 39}
Birth record of Mathieu Pousson - 27 Dec. 1826, son of Gaudens Pousson and Anna Save
{exhibit 40}
Birth record of Jacques Pousson - 15 July 1829, son of Gaudens Pousson and Anna Save
{exhibit 41}
Birth record of Gaudense Pousson - 22 Jan. 1831, daughter of Gaudens Pousson and Anna Save
{exhibit 42}
Birth record of Jeanne Marie Pousson - 30 Aug. 1834, daughter of Gaudens Pousson and Anna Save
{exhibit 43)
{exhibit 44}
Birth record of Marie Pousson - 21 Oct. 1839, daughter of Gaudens Pousson and Jeannette Dupuy
{exhibit 45}
Death record of Gaudens Pousson son of Mathieu Pousson and Marie Fitte - revolutionary calendar - 6 Sept. 1804
Act of death of Gaudens Pousson died today at 11 o'clock this morning, profession....age of five years. Born at Villeneuve de Riviere, Department of Haute Garonne, living at Villeneuve (district)
Son of Mathieu Pousson and of Marie Fitte
This was declared by Jean Louis Estrene, adult, staying at Villeneuve profession of laborer who said he was a near neighbor of the deceased and of Jean Baptiste Coual staying at Villeneuve de Riviere profession of ....who said he knew the deceased.
Made by me Louis Satcant, mayor of this township doing the functions of public officer of the state - witnessed (signed)