SECTION # 5 - Mathieu (Mathiew) Pousson Born 27 Dec. 1826 - Villeneuve de Riviere - France (ref. exhibit 39)
Mathieu had one brother, two sisters and two half sisters but he was the only one in his family to move to the United States. According to Mathieu's death notice (Crowley Signal - 20 May 1916 page 8) he came to the United States when he was 29 (ref. exhibit 8 - passenger list). The first record of Mathieu in the United States is his marriage to Euphrosine Guillory (ref. exhibit 139) on 27 Sept. 1856 - #1492 St. Landry. Note: one of the witnesses was Jean Bertrand Pousson, Mathieu's cousin. The Church record shows the marriage date as 30 Sept. 1856 - Vol C-1 No. 70 Opelousas St. Landry Catholic Church.
{exhibit 139}
Marriage record - 27 Sept.. 1856 #1492 St. Landry Parish and the church record shows the marriage date as 30 Sept. 1856 Vol C-1 No. 70 Opelousas Catholic Church
The 1860 St. Landry census (ref. exhibit 104) shows Mathieu as a blacksmith with total assets of $300.00. (Note: Acadia Parish was part of St. Landry Parish until 1886) They are living in what is now Iota, La. - Acadia Parish (Note: this area was called Point aux Loups or Wolf Point - place of the wolves). On this 1860 census Mathieu lives next to his cousin, Bertrand Cadet Pousson. The 1870 St. Landry census shows Mathieu as a blacksmith but on the 1880 St. Landry census he is shown as a farmer. It appears Mathieu and his cousin, Cadet Pousson and/or Cadet's widow, Adele, always lived next to each other in what is now Iota, La.
On 21 Oct. 1871, Mathieu purchased four lots of forty acres each for a total of $40.00 (ref. exhibit 140) at a sale made by D. C. Sittig, tax collector for St. Landry Parish, for the unpaid taxes of 1869 and 1870 assessed against Elisha Owen. Mathieu acquired 161 acres of land under the U.S. Homestead law - NE 1/4 of Sect 31 in T 8 SR 1 W (ref. exhibit 141).
{exhibit 140}
Mathieu Pousson purchased land at auction - 21 Oct. 1871 - part of this land given to church
{exhibit 141}
Homestead claim of
Mathieu Pousson
Certificate No. 1120
Application 3867
Claim dated
19 Sept 1881
Land located in Iota
On 10 Apr. 1884 Mathieu purchased 80 acres from the widow and heirs of Charles Hebert - Act 23474 - St. Landry. On 23 Dec. 1893, Mathieu purchased 40 acres from Placide Leger - Act No. 6420 - Acadia Parish. On 7 Jan 1899, Mathieu purchased 80 acres from Louis Simar Sr. - Act No. 12717 - Acadia Parish. Mathieu also sold right of ways to the railroad, purchased lots in Iota, etc.
On the Acadia Parish tax rolls for 1888, Mathieu Sr. was taxed on 440 acres of land, 4 horses, 12 cattle, 30 sheep, 1 wagon, machinery, and thresher. In 1896 he was taxed on 387 acres of land, 3 horses, 2 oxen, 12 cows, 30 sheep, 1 wagon, and machinery.
Mathieu was very active in the Catholic church, his home was used as the Jesuit missionaries head quarters before a church was constructed. On 12 Sept. 1878, Mathieu Pousson donated 40.35 acres in the NE corner of the NW 1/4 of Sect 44 (sometimes called Sect 32) in Township Eight South of Range one West - La. Merd. to the Church. This land was purchased by Mathieu Pousson on 21 Oct. 1871 (see above and exhibit 140). This donation is recorded on 16 Sept. 1878 in St. Landry Parish under land donations #16297 (ref. exhibit 142 and 143 - next four pages). "... appeared Rev. Claudius Antoine Viallenton, S.J. who donates to Most Rev. Napoleon Joseph Perche, Archbishop of New Orleans the following: forty acres of land at Point aux Loups in St. Landry Parish between Coulee Major and Coulee Point aux Loups. Same property that Mathieu Pousson and Euphrosine Guillory, his wife, gave for the benefit of the Roman Catholic Church at Point aux Loups...". (Note: This transferal was done in order to allow the Archdiocese to take charge of the parish from the Jesuits.) This same property was also "sold" to the Church by William W. Duson on 28 Oct. 1893 for $1.00 (ref. exhibit 144 and 145 - next four pages) Act No. 6168 - W. W. Duson donation - Acadia Parish Court House. I assume this was done to clear up any question of title. This is the location of the current Iota Catholic church, school, and cemetery.
Donation of Land
16 Sept. 1878
St. Landry Parish
File # 16297
Also ref. Mathieu's
succession #1654
{exhibit 143}
"old map" , from the Acadia Parish Court House - Crowley, La., showing names of Mathieu Pousson and Widow Cadet Pousson and showing section 44, sometimes called section 32, also ref. exhibit 140 - part of this section was purchased by Mathieu 21 Oct. 1871
also see
145 next
page for
{exhibit 145}
Act. 6168 - Acadia Parish Court House - 28 Oct. 1893, W. W. Duson "sold" to the Catholic Church, for $1.00, the same land donated by Mathieu (may have been done to clear up any question of title).
On 10 Feb. 1862, Mathieu, with his cousins Jean Bertrand Pousson and Bertrand Cadet Pousson, went to the St. Landry Court House to record the sale of land and slaves inherited from Siphroy Guillory and Euphrosine Jeansonne (parents of their wives - Euphrosine, Josephine and Adele Guillory). The slaves were sold to Francois Ardoin - File 5619 book T-1 page 363 and Aurelien Landerneau - File 5613 book T-1 page 360 (It seems only two slaves were inherited). The inherited land was sold to Jean Bte. Paul Fontenot - File 5617 book T-1 page 362 and to Jean Bertrand Pousson - File 5615 book T-1 page 361.
On 15 Dec. 1871, Mathieu went to the St. Landry Court House to give his "Power of Attorney" to his brother, Jacques Pousson, in France to settle the estate of their father. (ref. exhibit 146) Miscellaneous Acts Book 5 p 146 No.11642, exhibit 146 is only a notice of the Act. The actual Act is several pages long and goes into lots of legal details and is written in French. (Note: see Sister Paula's letters concerning the death of Mathieu's parents, etc.)
Miscellaneous Acts - St. Landry
Court House Book 5 - Feb. 18,
1871 to Jun. 29, 1874 p. 146
(only notice of act. 11642)
On 12 Oct. 1878, Mathieu went to the St. Landry Court House to prove he was a citizen of the United States. He said he came to the United States in 1854 and he had applied for naturalization in 1857 and was naturalized in 1860 but the papers were lost. (ref. exhibit 147, 148, and 149 - next three pages) Opelousas Court House - application for naturalization Folio #68.
{exhibit 147}
St. Landry Parish
Court House
12 Oct. 1878
Folio #68
ref. exhibit
148 & 149
{exhibit 148}
St. Landry Parish
Court House
12 Oct. 1878
Folio # 68
ref. exhibit
147 & 149
{exhibit 149}
St. Landry Parish Court House - 12 Oct. 1878 - Naturalization Folio # 68 - ref. exhibit 147 & 148.
This "statement" is by Mathieu Pousson - he said he came to the United States in 1854 and that he had applied for naturalization in 1857 and this was granted in 1860 but all papers were lost - Mathieu's copy and the court house copy - the judge found that "..Mathieu Pousson is hereby declared to be a duly naturalized citizen of the United States of America: and that a certificate issue to him as such granted in open court this 12th day of October A D 1878"
It also appears Mathieu was interested in politics - he was in the delegation to promote the campaign for parish division and the opening of the "Long Bridge" (bridge across Bayou Plaquemine Brulee opened the way to Crowley), election commissioner at Point aux Loups, and elected vice president of the Democratic Committee in Acadia Parish in 1887. I found an article in the Crowley Signal of 9 Feb. 1889, written by the editor, who was a Republican, and very much against Democrats and Governor Francis T. Nicholls. It seems Governor Nicholls was petitioned to appoint Mr. D. B. Lyons as assessor of Acadia Parish - Mathieu had signed this petition with 125 others. The paper called the petitioners "ignorant" and that Governor Nicholls ignored the petition saying " are all a herd of "ignoramuses" who have been hood-winked into signing a paper of which you know nothing". The paper says "you are now a nincompoop from the wilds of "ignorant" Acadia".
Another article I found in the Crowley Signal of 15 Dec. 1888, "Mathew Pousson, of Pointe aux Loups, has been in town several days last week with rice. He got $3.00 per barrel for it". Dateline was Millerville.
Mathieu and Euphrosine celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary in Sept. of 1906. Crowley Signal - 6 Oct. 1906 - 50th wedding anniversary of Mathieu and Euphrosine Guillory - "He settled in this community (Iota) about the time of his marriage, his home being in what is now the corporation of Iota. It must be a source of pleasure to them to know that their sons and daughters have all become respected citizens of the community in which they reside. The children and grandchildren presented Mr. and Mrs. Pousson with a fine umbrella embellished with a gold handle, a gold bowl and other presents". The 50th wedding celebration illustration (ref. exhibit 150 - next page) "signed" by his family was found in Father Hebert's - Immigration files of Southwest Louisiana (1840-1929). (Note: ref. exhibit 158, 158a, 158b, etc. - succession of Mathieu and Euphrosine Guillory for actual signatures of children.)
In the 1930's Sister Marie de St. Paula recorded, in French, 16 letters concerning the Pousson family. Sister Paula is one of Gaudiens' daughters and of course Gaudiens is one of Mathieu's sons. She corresponded with several of our cousins in France. The first three letters are addressed to Mathieu Pousson from his brother, Jean Jacques, and his sister, Mariette - these three letters were transcribed to, I assume, Sister Marie de St. Paula and are dated 1870, 1871, and 1872. I have included one of these letters in French and English and the other two only in the English translated copy (ref. exhibit 151, 152, 153, and 154). I have also included several other letters from Sister Paula to and from our cousins in France - only the English translated copies (ref. exhibit 155, 156, and 157). I thank Mr. Juste Pousson for letting me make copies of the "originals" of these letters.
Succession of Mathieu Pousson and his wife Euphrosine Guillory #1654 - Acadia Parish Court House 23 Jan 1928 (ref. exhibit 158, 158a, 158b, 158c, 158d, 158e, 158f and 158g). Note that Mathilde died 20 Apr. 1921 and that this document was actually signed by the children witnessed by a notary public. Reference property - article 1 (ref. exhibit 158f) the land donation to the church of 40.35 acres is shown as "W.W. Duson Sold to Rev. Francis..." This is the same land that was donated to the church by Mathieu Pousson and Euphrosine (ref. exhibit 142 and 143)
Mathieu's obituary called him "one of the oldest landmarks of Acadia Parish - the great esteem in which the deceased was held was shown by the large attendance of his friends who thus paid to him their last respects". "He died at his residence in Iota at 6:30 PM of senility at the ripe old age of 90 years and 4 months" - Crowley Signal 20 May 1916 page 8.
Mathieu died on 11 May 1916 and Euphrosine died on 15 May 1924 - both are buried on the land they donated to the church in Iota.
{exhibit 150}
50 Wedding anniversary of Mathieu Pousson and Euphrosine Guillory
Father Hebert SWLR, v. 6 page 119 La. 929.37634 Fr.Hebert
Immigration Files of Southwest Louisiana
(1840-1929) by Rev. Donald J. Hebert
{exhibit 151}
Sister Paula's transcribed letter - 18 August 1870 - from Jacques Pousson to his brother Mathieu
{exhibit 152}
Sister Paula's transcribed letter - 20 April 1871 - Jacques Pousson to his brother Mathieu
Sister Paula's transcribed letter - August 1872 - from Mariette Caperan to her brother Mathieu
(see exhibit 154 for copy of this letter from Sister Paula's "folder" - all letters were recorded in French)
{exhibit 154}
Sister Paula's transcribed letter - August 1872 - from Mariette Caperan to her brother Mathieu
{exhibit 155}
Sister Paula's letter - 24 Oct. 1931 - letter from Sister Paula to Madam Leon Pousson in St. Gaudens, France
{exhibit 156}
{exhibit 157}
Sister Paula's letter - 15 Dec. 1935 - letter from Ambroisine Caperan to Sister Paula
{exhibit 158}
Succession of Mathieu Pousson and Euphrosine Guillory #1654 - Acadia Parish Court House - 23 Jan. 1928
{exhibit 158a)
Succession of Mathieu Pousson and Euphrosine Guillory #1654 - Acadia Parish Court House - 23 Jan. 1928
{exhibit 158b}
Succession of Mathieu Pousson and Euphrosine Guillory #1654 - Acadia Parish Court House - 23 Jan. 1928
{exhibit 158c}
Succession of Mathieu Pousson and Euphrosine Guillory #1654 - Acadia Parish Court House - 23 Jan. 1928
{exhibit 158d}
Succession of Mathieu Pousson and Euphrosine Guillory #1654 - Acadia Parish Court House - 23 Jan. 1928
{exhibit 158e}
Succession of Mathieu Pousson and Euphrosine Guillory #1654 - Acadia Parish Court House - 23 Jan. 1928
{exhibit 158f}
Succession of Mathieu Pousson and Euphrosine Guillory #1654 - Acadia Parish Court House - 23 Jan. 1928
{exhibit 158g}
Succession of Mathieu Pousson and Euphrosine Guillory #1654 - Acadia Parish Court House - 23 Jan. 1928
{exhibit 159}
Marker to honor
Mathieu Pousson
And Euphrosine
Guillory - Iota, La.
Picture of Villeneuve
De Riviere, France
Birth place of Mathieu
Mathieu Pousson and Euphrosine Guillory's family:
I - Mathilde Pousson born 13 Oct. 1857, Iota, La. m. Sylver (Sylvester/Silvaire) Simar born 14 Jun. 1856 (son of Louis Simar and Malise Thibodeaux) they were married 15 Oct. 1878 and they had four children (ref. exhibit 161 & 162).
{exhibit 161}
Sylver Simar
Picture from the
Crowley Daily Signal
Golden Jubilee Edition
4 Oct. 1937
{exhibit 162}
Family of Sylver and
Mathilde Simar
Left to right:
Sylver, Mariette, Maxime,
Gilbert, and Mathias Simar
Note: Mathilde died in 1921
Mathilde is shown on the 1860 and 1870 census as living at her parent's home in Iota (reminder - then known as Pointe aux Loups - St. Landry Parish - Acadia became Louisiana's 59th parish on 11 Oct. 1886). Mathilde is Mathieu's oldest child and she was the first to get married and leave home.
Sylver Simar is a brother to Alcide Simar, husband of Onizia Pousson - Cadet's daughter and a brother to John Joseph Louis Simar, husband of Clotilde Pousson, Mathilde's sister. The 1860 St. Landry census shows Louis Simar and Malise Thibodeaux's family living near the Pousson family and shows Alcide 9 years, Jean 7 years, and Sylbert 4 years.
Mathilde and Sylver were lifelong farmers and residents of the Iota, La. area. The Crowley Signal of 25 Apr. 1891 shows from the land office in New Orleans that Sylver Simar made homestead entry 8949 for land in Acadia Parish E 1/2 of NE 1/4 and E 1/2 of SE 1/4 Sect 19 T 8 SR 1 W this is recorded in Acadia Parish Book H-5 page 343 - 28 Feb. 1935, showing Patent dated 1 Mar 1892, homestead #3763 (ref. exhibit 165) - (homestead was usually for about 161 acres and you had to prove your continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land).
On the Acadia Parish tax rolls for 1893, Sylver was taxed on 160 acres of land, 1 cart, 2 oxen, 1 mare, and 1 cow. In 1896 he is taxed on 160 acres of land, 2 horses, 1 mare, 2 oxen, 2 cows, and 1 cart.
Crowley Signal 12 Jun. 1920 and 18 Sept. 1920 - "Mrs. Silvaire Simar, who spent three months with her brother, Mathias Pousson, in New Mexico, in search of health, that has not been fully regained, returned home last Friday".
On the 1930 Acadia census Sylver is shown living with his son-in-law and daughter, Paul (LePold) Miller and Mariette Simar, also living in this house are seven of the Miller children and a boarder -Olide Bertrand.
Mathilde and Sylver's succession (#2097 and #2414 - Acadia Parish Court House) shows they had about 200 acres near Iota, of which 160 acres were homesteaded land. Mathilde died at home at 3 A.M. on 20 Apr. 1921 and Sylver died at his home at 11:40 P.M. on Thursday following a brief illness on 19 Jan 1939 (Crowley Signal 20 Jan 1939). Both are buried in Iota, La.
Pictures given to me by Jody and Harvey Pousson - thanks.
{exhibit 163} {exhibit 164}
Mariette Simar right - Paul Miller husband of Maritte Simar
left - “Uncle Henry” assume brother of Paul Miller
{exhibit 165}
Homestead claim of
Sylver (Silver) Simar
Certificate No. 3763
Application 8949
Claim dated
1 Mar. 1892
II - Clotilde Pousson born 26 Sept. 1859, Iota, La. married John (Joseph Louis) Simar born 3 Jun. 1859 (son of Louis Simar and Malise Thibodeaux) they married 5 Feb. 1883 and they had seven children (ref. exhibit 166 and 167).
{exhibit 166}
married to John (Joseph Louis) Simar
Pictures include:
Clotilde Pousson (sitting)
John (Joseph Louis) Simar (sitting - two pictures)
Clothilde (Sister Mary Sebastian) Simar
Clotilde is shown on the 1860, 1870, and 1880 St. Landry census living with her parents in what is now Iota, La. Like most of her brothers and sisters, Clotilde did not live far from her parents after she married.
John Simar is brother to Sylver and Alcide - see Mathilde for additional information. Sylver also acquired part of his land by the homestead act - U.S. Government certificate No. 5138 application 9413 and recorded Book I-6 page 411 Acadia Parish - 162 acres S 1/2 of SE 1/4 and S 1/2 of SW 1/4 of Sect 5 T 9 SR l W (ref. exhibit 168). John and Clotilde were lifelong farmers and residents of the Iota area. Three of their daughters became nuns (Clothilde, Christine, and Theresa - see exhibit 166).
On the 1930 Acadia census John and Clotilde are shown living alone next to their son, John Simon and Felicia. Their home was between Egan and Iota and, as per this census, neither could read or write.
On the Acadia Parish tax rolls for 1896, John (Joseph) was taxed on 160 acres of land, 2 horses, 2 oxen, and 3 cows.
The succession (#2406 and #3186 - Acadia Parish Court House) shows they had over 200 acres near Iota, of which 162 was the homestead land and about 40 acres was land Clotilde inherited from Mathieu Pousson - Book J-4 p 273 division of land 12 Feb. 1929. Clotilde died 24 May 1932 and John died at 5:30 P.M. Monday at his home on 1 Feb. 1943 (Crowley Signal 2 Feb. 1943). Both are buried in Iota, La.
Homestead claim of
John (Joseph) Simar
Certificate No. 5138
Application 9413
Claim dated
23 Oct 1894
III - Mathias Pousson born 24 Dec. 1863, Iota, La. m. Felica Reed born 9 Feb. 1870 (daughter of William Reed and Elvima Bergeron) they were married 4 July 1887 and they had twelve children. Mathias and Mathieu Jr. (shown as IV) were twins. Mathias is shown on the 1870 and 1880 St. Landry census living with his parents in what is now Iota, La.
On the 1900 Acadia Parish census, Mathias is shown as a blacksmith living next to his parent's home. Crowley Signal 25 Apr. 1891, land office at New Orleans - Mathias made homestead entry 8950 for land in Acadia Parish E 1/2 of SE 1/4 Sect 30 T 8 SR 1 W (ref. exhibit 169).
I found an interesting article in the Crowley Signal concerning Mathias - 19 Aug. 1916 - "Henry Fisher, the Iota garage man, met with a serious accident on Friday afternoon at Mathias Pousson's rice cleaning mill, while examining some of the machinery that failed to operate well. The middle finger of his right hand was caught and crushed by part of the moving machinery, Dr. Geo. Brooks gave temporary treatment to the wounded member but advised a surgical operation as a safe precaution. Mr. Fisher went to Crowley on Saturday morning to the Sanitarium, where Dr. Ellis amputated the finger".
I also found another interesting item at the Acadia Parish Court House - Civil Suit #1012 - 21 May 1898 - Edmond LeJeune vs. Mathias Pousson. Suit claimed during the years 1895 and 1896 Mathias had charge of a grocery store (clerk and bookkeeper), owned by Edmond LeJeune, and that Mathias used store cash to purchase various goods amounting to $114.02 and that this bill was never paid - suit was filed 21 May 1898 and judged on 23 Jun. 1898 - "considering the motion made by the plaintiff's counsel in open court, it is ordered, adjudged, and decreed, that this suit be, and the same is hereby, dismissed at plaintiff's cost".
Mathias purchased and sold land in the Iota area in addition to his 160 homesteaded acres - (Book U-2 p 512, X-2 p 233, J-2 p 795, J-2 p 794, H-3, p 175, K-3, p 248, J-4 p 536, and I-4 p 618). Of these land transactions was the sale of the last 40 acres he owned in Louisiana, he sold this land to Lawrence Pousson, husband of Grace Bossley, and shows Mathias and his wife living in Acadia Parish, La. but a few months later Mathias is shown living in New Mexico, County of San Juan, it seems he had to correct the deed to read "lot #7 of partition of the lands belonging to Mathieu Pousson and his wife Euphrosine Guillory, deceased, as 40 acres SE 1/4 of NE 1/4 of Sect 31 T 8 SR 1 W".
Mathias moved to New Mexico about 1918 - reference Crowley Signal 24 July 1920 - "Albert Ritter and wife, John Seilham, and Silvaire Simar who recently spent two weeks with the family of Mathias Pousson in New Mexico, returned home on Wednesday and were delighted with the climate and soil of the country. Their host, Mr. Mathias, who was born and raised here, moved there two years ago in the interest of his health and was greatly benefited. He sold his property here buying land there."
Mathias was a blacksmith in Iota and that was also his occupation in Farmington, New Mexico.
The picture of Mathias and Felica Reed was taken on their 50th wedding anniversary (ref. exhibit 170). The family all came back to Iota to celebrate this event.
Mathias died on 21 Nov. 1949 and Felica died on 23 Dec. 1944, both are buried in Farmington, New Mexico. Mathias died of a heart attack while on a train ride on his way back to Farmington from one of his trips to Iota.
Obituary notice in Farmington newspaper - Tuesday, Nov. 22, 1949, page one - Mathias Pousson Dies at Age 85 - Mathias Pousson, resident of Farmington since 1918, passed away last night at the Clovis Memorial Hospital, Clovis, New Mexico. Pousson had been visiting relatives in Iota, Louisiana for the past month and was returning to Farmington when he became ill aboard the train and was taken to the hospital at Clovis. Lawrence Pousson, a son, was flown to Clovis Sunday by D. Oscar Thomas but returned Sunday night when his father was reported out of danger. The two men flew to Clovis this morning to return the body to Farmington. Mathias Pousson would have reached his 86th birthday December 24.
Some of Mathias descendants:
Timothy Pousson and Mary Bourgeois (ref. exhibit 171 - next page)
Emily, Mattie, and Rosa Pousson (Mattie = Mathilda) (ref. exhibit 172 and 172a - next page)
Homestead claim of
Mathias Pousson
Certificate No. 4065
Application 8950
Claim dated
23 Nov 1892
{exhibit 170}
Mathias Pousson and
Felicia Reed - 50th
Anniversary - Iota, La.
{exhibit 171}
Timothy Pousson and
Mary Bourgeois
{exhibit 172} {exhibit 172a}
Left to right Rosa Pousson
Emily, Mattie and Rosa Pousson
Mattie is Mathilda Pousson
IV - Mathieu Pousson Jr. born 24 Dec. 1863, Iota, La. m. Fleurentine Hebert born 22 Nov. 1869 (daughter of Pierre Hebert and Marie Azema Reed - five of Pierre's family married Poussons - Mathieu Jr., Gaudens, Maxille, Mathilda, and Ozemie - Pierre's family lived only a short distance from the Pousson families), they were married 3 May 1887 and they had six children (ref. exhibit 173). Mathieu Jr. and Mathias were twins. Mathieu is shown on the 1870 and 1880 St. Landry census living with his parents in what is now Iota, La.
{exhibit 173}
Mathieu Pousson Jr. husband of Fleurentine Hebert
Mathieu Jr. acquired 162 acres from the U. S. Government patent dated 3 Nov. 1891 (also shown on Crowley Signal 19 Oct. 1889 - land office at New Orleans made homestead entry for land in Acadia Parish) - homesteaded - SW 1/4 of Sect 20 T 8 SR 1 W (ref. exhibit 174) - located near land owned by his brother Gaudens and his brother-in-law Sylver Simar.
On the Acadia Parish tax rolls for 1893, Mathieu Jr. was taxed on 160 acres of land, 1 horse, 3 cattle, and 1 wagon. In 1896 he was taxed on 150 acres of land, 1 horse, 2 mares, 2 oxen, 2 cows, and 1 wagon. In 1904 he was taxed on 117 acres of land, 1 buggy, 2 horses, 1 cow, and 1 wagon.
Mathieu was a lifelong farmer in the Iota area. Fleurentine died on 7 Jun. 1900 when she was only about 31 years old. On the 1900 Acadia Parish census, taken on 22 Jun. 1900, Fleurentine is not shown but Mathieu is shown as a farmer with his six children. On the 1910 Acadia Parish census Mathieu is living with his oldest daughter, Laura Pousson and her husband Nicholas Ledoux. Also living with him was his son Raymond Pousson. Arnold is living with his uncle, Antoin Heberts' family. Armond is living with his uncle, Joseph Simar's family. Lucie is living with her uncle William Hebert's family. I could not locate where Marie Alia was staying.
In Mathieu Jr.'s older years he became confused and senile - one story tells us that one afternoon Mathieu Jr. was riding home on his horse when he met Abel and Gaston Pousson and after talking, Mathieu said he was going home but Abel and Gaston knew he was going the wrong direction so they went and told Raymond (Mathieu's son) and they went looking for him and found him near Mermentau.
Mathieu Jr.'s succession (#2212 - Acadia Parish Court House - Crowley) shows he had about 200 acres of land in the Iota area, the homesteaded land and the land he had inherited from his father - 36 acres NW 1/2 of NE 1/4 of Sect 7 T 9 SR 1 W - Book J-4 page 273 division of inherited land 12 Feb. 1929. Fleurentine died 7 Jun. 1900 at home and Mathieu Jr. died in the parish of Rapides, La. on 24 Apr. 1935. Both are buried in Iota, La.
Some of Mathieu Jr.'s descendants:
Armond Pousson and Evia (Rita) Young (ref. exhibit 175)
Family of Armond (ref. exhibit 176)
Raymond Pousson and Lelia (Lillian) Cart (ref. exhibit 177)
Lucy Pousson (ref. exhibit 178)
Arnold Pousson (ref. exhibit 179)
Angella Young - wife of Arnold Pousson (ref. exhibit 180)
Lina Pousson and Conrad W. King - family of Arnold (ref. exhibit 181)
Joseph Dewey Pousson Sr. and Rena Mae Lejeune - family of Arnold (ref. exhibit 182)
Nicholas Ledoux - husband of Laura Pousson and Joseph Dewey Pousson Sr. (ref. exhibit 183)
Pictures given to me by Marie Juan Pousson and Walter and Cheryl Pousson Stroupe Jr.
Note: exhibit 174 (homestead claim), 175, 176, 177, 178, 179, 180, 181, 182, and 183 shown next five pages
{exhibit 174}
Homestead claim of
Mathieu Pousson Jr.
Certificate No. 3319
Application 7980
Claim dated
3 Nov 1891
{exhibit 175}
Armond Pousson
and Evia Young
{exhibit 176}
Family of Armond Pousson
Standing - left to right
Armond Antony Pousson
Marie Juan Pousson
Gilbert Neal Pousson
Front - left to right
Francis Pousson
Evia (Armond's wife)
{exhibit 177}
Raymond Pousson
and Lelia (Lillian) Cart
{exhibit 178}
Lucie Pousson wife of
Mark Lejeune
{exhibit 179}
Arnold Pousson husband
Of Angella Young
{exhibit 180}
Angella Young wife of
Arnold Pousson
{exhibit 181}
Lina Pousson and
Lina Pousson and
Conrad W. King
(family of Arnold)
{exhibit 182}
Joseph Dewey Pousson Sr.
And Rena Mae Lejeune
(family of Arnold)
{exhibit 183}
Nicholas Ledoux, husband
Of Laura Pousson, and
Joseph Dewey Pousson Sr.
Note: Joseph was raised by
Nicholas and Laura after
The death of his parents
V - Odon Pousson born 25 Mar. 1866 - I could not find this name on any census, death record, etc., I assume he died as an infant.
VI - Gaudens (Godinae/Gaudens) Pousson born 26 Jun. 1867, Iota, La. m. Alcina Hebert born 3 May 1870 (daughter of Pierre Hebert and Marie Azema Reed - five of Pierre's family married Poussons - Gaudens, Mathieu Jr., Maxille, Mathilda, and Ozemie - Pierre's family lived only a short distance from the Pousson families), they were married 8 May 1890 and they had five children. (ref. exhibit 184) Gaudens is shown on the 1870 and 1880 St. Landry Parish census living with his parents in Iota.
{exhibit 184}
left to right - Sister Alexis (Pieusse Pousson), Gaudens Pousson, and Sister Paula (Ella Pousson) - This is the Sister Paula that corresponded with several cousins in France
Gaudens acquired 160 acres by the homestead act - SE 1/4 of Sect 20 T 8 SR 1 W (ref. exhibit 185) - this was next to his brother Mathieu Jr.'s land.
On the Acadia Parish tax rolls for 1896, Gaudens was taxed on 2 horses, 1 mare, 1 mule, 1 cow, 3 hogs, and 1 wagon. In 1904 he was taxed on 150 acres of land, vehicles, and live stock.
On the 1900 Acadia Parish census he is shown as a carpenter - he and Alcina have all five children at home. On the 1910 Acadia Parish census four of his children are living with Pierre Hebert Jr. and Ozemie Pousson Hebert (Ozemie is one of Cadet and Adele's children) - Alcina died in 1901 when she was only 29 years old - she died of typhoid. After Alcina’s death, Gaudens children were raised by other family members - Marie Nora and Anna Pousson were raised by Pierre Hebert Jr., Alcina’s brother - son of Pierre Hebert and Marie Reed; Ella (Sister Paula) Pousson was raised by Albert Hebert another of Alcina’s brothers - son of Pierre Hebert and Marie Reed; Pieusse (Sister Alexis) Pousson was raised by Joseph Bergeron husband of Avia Hebert - sister of Alcina - daughter of Pierre Hebert and Marie Reed later she moved in with William Hebert’s family - another of Alcina’s brothers.
Gaudens was one of the early Police Jurors for Acadia Parish - 1904 to 1908, Acadia Parish became Louisiana's 59th Parish on Oct. 11, 1886. He was also one of the early constables for the Parish. He is shown several times on the Crowley Signal doing Police Jury business and on 14 July 1900 he was paid $1.50 as a commissioner of election and on 14 Oct. 1905 he was paid $15.00 to rent a mule to the Parish.
Gaudens was a contractor, he and his company built a Catholic School in Iota, the Catholic Church in Evangeline near Millerville, and several other churches in the area. On his obituary it states "he was noted as a builder of churches and many of the churches constructed by him throughout Louisiana are still in use. He also built many of the oldest residences in the community and in surrounding areas, some of which are landmarks today". One of the homes he built in Iota was the home of Jacques Pousson - see picture of this home in background of Galbert Pousson’s picture - child IX.
On the 1930 Acadia Parish census Gaudens is shown living at the home of his son-in-law and daughter, Raymond and Anna Trumps, with seven of the Trump children. Gaudens succession (#3801 - 3 Oct. 1951. Acadia Parish Court House - Crowley) shows he still owned his homesteaded 160 acres acquired from the U.S. Government. He also left the land he had inherited from his parents - Book J-4 page 273 division of inherited land 12 Feb. 1929 - W 1/2 of NE 1/4 of Sect 7 T 9 SR 1 W. Alcina died 25 Jan. 1901 and Gaudens died at 10 A.M. Friday 21 Sept. 1951 at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Anna Trumps of Iota, following an illness of three weeks (Crowley Signal - 22 Sept. 1951). Gaudens and Alcina are buried in Iota, La.
Some of Gaudens descendants in addition to Pieusse and Ella - exhibit 184
Anna (Nanette) Pousson wife of Raymond Trumps (Note: Raymond Trumps is a son of Ophelia Bertrand Pousson and Joseph (Paul Napoleon) Trumps - Ophelia is a daughter of Bertrand Cadet Pousson and Adele Guillory) (ref. exhibit 186)
Marie Nora Pousson wife of Butler (Anthony) Ritter (ref. exhibit 187)
Family of Marie and Butler Ritter - Front - Leon Gaudens Ritter and Marie Nora Pousson Ritter - Back - Bernadine Ritter and Berchmans Anthony Ritter (ref. exhibit 188)
Pictures given to me by Mr. Berchmans (Buddy) Ritter - thank you.
Note:exhibit 185 (homestead claim), 186, 187, and 188 shown on next two pages
Homestead claim of
Gaudens Pousson
Certificate No. 5890
Application 10608
Claim dated
8 Apr 1896
{exhibit 186}
Anna (Nanette) Pousson
Wife of Raymond Trumps
{exhibit 187}
Marie Nora Pousson
Wife of Butler Ritter
{exhibit 188}
Family of Marie and
Butler Ritter
Leon Gaudens Ritter
Marie Nora Pousson Ritter
Bernadine Ritter
Berchmans (Buddy) Ritter
VII - Isaac M. Pousson born 16 Feb. 1870, Iota, La. m. Aimee (Amy) Reed born 9 Oct. 1874 (daughter of William Reed and Ovina Bergeron) they were married 8 Apr. 1893 and they had thirteen children (ref. exhibit 189).
{exhibit 189}
Isaac M. Pousson
and Aimee Reed
Isaac is shown on the 1880 St. Landry Parish Census as living with his parents in Iota. On the 1900 and 1910 Acadia Parish Census Isaac is shown as a farmer in the Iota, La. area. On the Acadia Parish tax rolls for 1904, Isaac was taxed on 2 horses and 1 cow. I could not locate any homestead claim for Isaac Pousson.
I found several items in the Crowley Signal concerning Isaac: (1) 4 Mar. 1899 "Isaac and James Pousson paid a visit to Crowley at the beginning of the week, buying machinery, etc. for planting a large crop of rice this season." (2) 2 Oct. 1909 "A Baby of Isaac Pousson swallowed a nail last week, it was carried to New Orleans, but at this writing do not know its condition." (3) 15 Jan. 1915 "Isaac Pousson is about finishing a neat cottage for occupancy by his family near the Catholic Church." (4) 4 Oct. 1937 - Golden Jubilee Edition - This is from an article concerning Catholic education in Acadia and the first adult night school - "Some of those "pupils" became so efficient that they bought books for self-instruction. For instance, the late Mr. Isaac Pousson was so taken up with his letters that he surpassed all the others. Not only did he learn English but having mastered the letters of the alphabet, had made them resound in his native tongue and thus taught himself to read French. Moreover, he took a correspondence course by mail."
Isaac (actually Aimee Reed) inherited land from his parents - 40 acres - NE 1/4 of NE 1/4 of Sect 31 T 8 SR 1 W - Book J-4 page 273 division of inherited land 12 Feb. 1929 (Note: Isaac died 3 Jul. 1928, one year before this division of land).
Isaac and Aimee Reed succession (#3265 - 22 July 1947 - Acadia Parish Court House - Crowley, La.) left the 40 acres inherited from his parents, shown above.
Aimee died 10 Oct. 1934 and Isaac died at his home near Iota on Tuesday at 12:45 P.M. 3 Jul. 1928 (Crowley Signal 5 July 1928). Both are buried in Iota, La.
Some of Isaac's descendants:
Herbert (Isaac) and Ignace Pousson (ref. exhibit 190)
Agnes Pousson and Josien LeJeune (ref. exhibit 191)
Marie Anne Pousson, Marie Elvina Pousson, and Susanne Veronique Pousson (ref. exhibit 192)
Germaine Pousson and Jesse Leger (ref. exhibit 193)
Germaine Pousson and Paul Elmer Pousson (ref. exhibit 194)
Marie Mea Pousson, Herbert Isaac Pousson and Germaine Pousson (ref. exhibit 195)
Ethan Mathew Pousson (ref. exhibit 196)
Pictures given to me by Joanna Leger Seilhan - thank you
exhibits 190, 191, 192, 193, 194, 195, and 196 below and next three pages
{exhibit 190}
left to right
Ignace Pousson
{exhibit 191}
Agnes Pousson and
Josien LeJeune - with
daughters "Bobbie and
Teeny" (Note: I have
daughters Ludie Rose,
Lula Mae, and Amy
{exhibit 192}
left to right
Marie Anne Pousson
Marie Elvina Pousson
Susanne Veronique Pousson
{exhibit 193}
Jesse Leger and
Germaine Pousson
{exhibit 194}
Germaine Pousson
Paul Elmer Pousson
{exhibit 195}
left to right
Marie Mea Pousson
Herbert Isaac Pousson
Germaine Pousson
{exhibit 196}
Ethan Mathew Pousson
VIII - Jacques (James) Pousson born 16 Feb. 1873, Iota, La. m. Johanna Frey born 24 Oct. 1883 (daughter of John Frey and Marie Schneider) they were married 22 Nov. 1904 and they had eight children (ref. exhibit 197).
{exhibit 197}
Jacques (James) Pousson
and Johanna Frey
Jacques was paid by the Parish Police Jury to do road work:
(1) 14 Oct. 1905 - salary and labor $242.50
(2) 25 Nov. 1905 - salary and labor $173.25
(3) 23 Dec. 1905 - salary and labor $133.75
(4) 20 Jan 1906 - salary and labor $75.00
(5) 24 Feb. 1906 - salary and labor $201.00
etc. (Crowley Signal 4 Mar 1911 "James Pousson of Gassler returned Monday to work the public roads in Mamou".)
Jacques also worked at the "mercantile store" in Iota but he lost this job in the 1930's due to the depression. He then worked part time "checking" rice for local farmers and he also had a small truck farm (very large garden). He grew corn, sweet potatoes, cotton, and sugar cane. He also raised hogs, cattle, chickens, etc.
Jacques learned to read and write at night school. He was gifted in math, he would help his son, James, with his algebra homework. Jacques did not smoke, chew, drink, or gamble. His last home in Iota, was built by his brother, Gaudens - see Galbert‘s picture (child - IX) . The 1930 Acadia Parish census shows Jacques living in this home on Second Street with his wife and four of their children.
In the Acadia Parish WWI Draft Registration - Jacques is shown having brown eyes and black hair and his occupation is shown as “Rice warehouseman” employed by Planter’s Whse. Co. in Iota - Registration date - 12 Sept 1918.
An interesting article I found in the Crowley paper was on 6 Feb. 1909 - "Jack Pousson's team ran away with him Tuesday, by keeping in the middle of the road Jack and the buggy landed in a gully but not hurt and later the steeds were corralled".
I found a law suit (#4844 - 1 July 1918) in the Acadia Parish Court House involving Jacques and the Louisiana Western Railroad Co. He sued the Railroad for killing a mare with foal about four months - worth $75.00. (document 7 pages long). Highlights - James "mare was struck and killed by a locomotive operated by defendant..." Counsel for Railroad "...animal killed itself through no negligence or fault of its employees..." "...the animal came out of the dark from the right running to the tract, although the whistle was sounded and the bell was ringing...". The judge found in favor of the plaintiff (James Pousson) and defendant be condemned to pay the said plaintiff the sum of $75.00 with interest and all costs of this suit.
Jacques inherited 40 acres from his parents - SW 1/4 of NE 1/4 of Sect 31 T 8 SR 1 W - Book J-4 page 273 division of inherited land 12 Feb. 1929.
Jacques succession (#8104 8 Feb. 1973 - Acadia Parish Court House - Crowley, La.) left land in the town of Iota - W.1st St. and E.2nd St. Jacques died at 2:10 P.M. Saturday 5 Jan. 1957 (Crowley Signal 7 Jan. 1957) and Johanna died 1 Oct. 1970 while in a nursing home in Opelousas. Both are buried in Iota, La.
Some of Jacques' descendants:
Frank (Francois Joseph) Pousson and Thomas J. Pousson (ref. exhibit 198)
Mary Edna Pousson wife of Francis Derbes (ref. exhibit 199)
John James Pousson (ref. exhibit 200)
Ivy Raphael Arceneaux wife of John James Pousson (ref. exhibit 201)
Stella Pousson and Rowland Landers (ref. exhibit 202)
Bernadette Pousson and John Ernest Francois (ref. exhibit 203)
Lawrance Justin (Juste) Pousson (ref. exhibit 204)
Pictures given to me by Mondell, Juste, and Bernadette - thank you.
Note: exhibit 198, 199, 200, 201, 202, 203, and 204 next three pages
{exhibit 198}
left to right
Frank Joseph Pousson
Thomas J. Pousson
{exhibit 199}
Mary Edna Pousson
Wife of Francis Derbes
{exhibit 200}
John James Pousson
{exhibit 201}
Ivy Raphael Arceneaux
Wife of John James
{exhibit 202}
Stella Pousson and
Rowland Landers
{exhibit 203}
Bernadette Pousson and
John Ernest Francois
{exhibit 204}
Lawrance Justin (Juste)
IX - Galbert (Gualbert) Pousson born 18 Mar. 1876, Iota, La. - he never married (ref. exhibit 205). Galbert is shown as living with his parents in all the census reports up to and including the 1920 Acadia Parish Census. On the 1910 census he is the only child living at home. On the 1920 census he is shown living with his mother, Euphrosine - age 81, Galbert is 45 years old and is shown with "no occupation" (this census has a section for education and shows Galbert could read and write).
{exhibit 205}
Galbert Pousson, with his bike, in front of home of Jacques Pousson (this house was one of the houses built by Gaudens Pousson)
On 14 Nov. 1935, Galbert sold (Book I-05 p 495 - Acadia Parish Court House) land to Raymond C. Trumps and his wife Anna C. Pousson SW 1/4 of NW 1/4 of Sect 44 T 8 SR 1 W, same property vendor acquired from partition sale in the succession of his parents. Galbert had inherited 35 acres from his parents - Book J-4 page 273 division of inherited land 12 Feb. 1929.
After his parents died, Galbert moved in with the priest in Iota. He would take care of the church's yard, garden, milk the cow, etc. On the 1930 Acadia Parish census - Galbert is shown living at the home of the Parish Priest on St. Joseph Street in Iota, he is shown as gardener at the Convent School. (Note: the 1930 census is the last census report released by the U.S. Census Bureau.)
In the Acadia Parish WWI Draft Registration - Galbert is shown having brown eyes and black hair and his occupation is shown as “Gardner” - Registration date - 12 Sept 1918.
According to his obituary Galbert served the St. Joseph Catholic Church as sexton for more than 50 years. Galbert died at 8:30 A.M. at the Little Sisters of the Poor Home for the Aged in New Orleans. He had been in failing health for about a year (Galbert lived in New Orleans about three years). Priests from surrounding communities who attended the rites included Rt. Rev. Msgr. Olan Broussard of Opelousas, Rev. Joseph Lafleur of Mowata, and Rt. Rev. Msgr. A. Martel of Eunice. Assisting Rev. Marin at the Solemn Requiem Mass were Rev. Lafleur and Rev. Jordain Mathew as deacon and sub-deacon. The Knights of Columbus council, of which he was a member, maintained an honor guard at the casket and attended the funeral in a body. Galbert died 29 Dec. 1951 and is buried in Iota, La.
X - Maria (Marie) Pousson born 3 Apr. 1878, Iota, La. m. Joseph R. Sensat born 28 Apr. 1872 (son of Orcade Pierre Sensat and Celestine Leger) they were married 13 Apr. 1896 and they had eleven children (ref. exhibit 206 - next page). On the 1880 St. Landry Parish census Maria is shown living at her parents home in Iota.
On the 1900 Acadia Parish census she is shown as Joseph's wife, who is shown as a farmer. They were lifelong farmers and residents of the Iota area. On the 1910 Acadia census they are shown as farmers with six of their children and on the 1920 Acadia census they are shown as farmers with eight children (this census has a section education and shows both could read and write). On the 1930 Acadia census they are shown as farmers with four children still at home. Note: the 1890 census was destroyed by fire in 1921.
Maria's succession (#2396 Acadia Parish Court House - Crowley) shows she still had the land she had inherited from her parents - "...acquired with the property left by Maria Pousson - acquired by her in that certain Act of Partition among M. Pousson Jr. and others", (heirs of Mathieu Pousson and wife Euphrosine Guillory # 90313 - Acadia Parish Court House - Crowley). Maria had inherited 20 acres from her parents - Book J-4 page 273 division of inherited land 12 Feb. 1929. Maria died at her home at 6:55 Sunday evening 12 Apr. 1936 (Crowley Signal 13 Apr. 1936) and Joseph died in 1941. Both are buried in Iota, La.
{exhibit 206}
Maria (Marie) Pousson
and Joseph Sensat
XI - Mariatte Pousson born CA 1865, this name was given to me by Pamela S. Pousson wife of Kenneth Pousson son of Leon Haris Pousson. I could not locate this name on any birth record, census, etc., I assume she may have died as an infant.
My name is Jeff Simar (Jeffrey Todd Simar) I am a decendant of Sylver & Mathilde Pousson Simar (great great grandfather & mother), Gilbert & Emma Miller Simar (great grandfather & mother), Jonathan & Dorothy Seal Simar (grandfather & mother), John & Myrna Strickland Simar (father & mother) My families have divorced early in my parents and grandparents so I know little of my lineage to pass on to my children . My e-mail is adress is 910 CR 4102 Call , Tx 75933 phone (409)622-9882 any help would be greatly appreciated
ReplyDeleteI was wondering if the Armond Antony you mention here is the son of Matheiu Pousson or his grandson, and son of Armond Pousson? The Armond Anthony Pousson I'm searching for lived 1918-2000 and married a Constance D. Ball to whom I am related.
ReplyDeleteHello Cousin,
DeleteWhen I was getting my book together, I went to Alexandria and I met Armond and his wife.
Armond Antony Pousson b. 17 Jan 1918 m. 15 Jan 1944, Constance Doreen Ball b. 3 Oct 1922, Swindon, Wiltshire, Eng. Armond died 3 Feb 2000, buried: Alexandria Nation Cem. Alexandria, La.
Armond Antony and Constance had seven children
Armond Antony is the son of Armond Pousson and Evia Young
Armond is the son of Mathieu Pousson Jr. and Fleurentine Hebert
Mathieu Pousson Jr. is the son of Mathieu Pousson and Euphrosine Guillory
Mathieu Pousson is the son of Gaudens Pousson and Anne Save
Gaudens Pousson is the son of Mathieu Pousson and Jeanne Fitte
Mathieu Pousson is the son of Jeannet Pousson and Marie Lafosse
Note: most of the birth records, death records, etc. can be found in my blog. Be sure and check out all my post "newer and older"
Please become a “follower”.
Hello again,
DeleteI just discovered an email containing your reply to my original message - it must have gone into my junk folder or I forgot to answer it, which is why I'm so late in replying. Thank you for your information. I believe Constance Doreen Ball died earlier this year, although I can't recall where I found this information. Are you in contact with any of her descendants? I'd be interested in filling out their branch on my own family tree.
I look forward to hearing from you,
Hello cousin - obit for Constance Pousson:
DeleteConstance Doreen Pousson Visitation for Doreen Pousson will be held from 5:00 p.m. until 8:00 p.m. on Wednesday, April 15, 2015 at John Kramer & Son Funeral Home in Alexandria. A private ceremony will be held by the family at a later date. Doreen Pousson, 92, of Alexandria, passed away on Sunday, April 12, 2015 in Grace Home. Doreen is preceded in death by her husband, Armond A. Pousson; son, Jeffrey Neil; parents, Gilbert M. Ball and M. "Winnie" Reed Ball. Doreen was born on October 3, 1922 in Halifax, England. She's the only child to Gilbert and Marion Ball. She served in the British military in London with ATS during WWII. While serving, she met and married Armond Pousson, an American GI, and following the war, she came to America on the S.S. Argentina, the first ship to bring the "war brides." Doreen lived most of her life in Louisiana and raised seven children. Her time was filled with volunteering in the Ladies Auxiliary at St. Frances Cabrini Hospital. She was a lifetime member of The British Wives Club and enjoyed sewing and knitting. Doreen is survived by 4 daughters, Sharon Fetters, (Joseph) of New Jersey, Carol Pousson, Sheila Daughtry (Jack), Maureen Morgan (Richard), all of Alexandria, La.; 2 sons, Anthony Pousson (Trudi) of Pineville, La., and Kevin Pousson (Rita) of Dry Prong, La; 10 grandchildren and 11 great-grandchildren. - See more at:
Sorry - I do not know how to get in touch of any of her family - I would try the towns listed in her obit.
Good luck.
Hi Willie, Hi Dan, I am Constance and Armond's granddaughter. I just found your blog today and it has been fantastic in learning our family history! My mother and most of the children of Armond and Constance live near Alexandria, LA. I'm in Brooklyn, NY.
DeleteHi Emily - a pleasure to meet you! I'm not related on the Pousson side of the family, but on the Stafford side (your grandmother's grandmother was Mary Alice Stafford) - please send me an email (my address is and I'll send you this branch of the family tree - happy new year! Dan
DeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteHi. My great grandmother was Mariette simar Miller from iota Louisiana. I'm trying to figure out who my ancestors are. Any information you may have would be greatly appreciated. My email is
ReplyDeletethank you Rosie
Hello Cousin,
DeleteMariette Simar born 17 Apr 1885 Iota, La. M. 24 Jun 1902, Leopold Paul Miller, b.25 Feb 1881, d. 10 Apr 1945 buried – Iota, La. Mariette died 25 Apr 1946 buried – Iota, La.
Mariette Simar is the daughter of Mathilde Pousson and Sylver Simar
Mathilde Pousson is the daughter of Mathieu Pousson and Euphrosine Guillory
Mathieu Pousson came from France – You can find his ancestry in the Blog.
Blog has pictures of Mariette Simar, Paul Miller, family of Sylver and Mathilde Pousson Simar
Hope this helps – Willie
Well hello cousin! Oh wow!! This information is so helpful. Thank you so very much! I must have a lot of cousins. My grandma was Virginia Miller Broussard. She had 12 siblings so so many cousins. Thank you !!! ��
ReplyDeleteMy grandmother used to tell me stories about her grandmother or maybe it was great grandmother that was " a little Indian girl". I'm wondering who she was referring to
ReplyDeleteHi, Willmer, thank you so much for the history on Mathieu Pousson. He was my 3X great grandfather on my grandpa, Evan Ritter's side of the family. My dad, Randall Ritter, said this information cleared up a lot of questions that he had over the years, especially the reason that they moved to New Mexico. It's fun to see our old neighbor Juste Pousson mentioned, he was always so nice. And my aunt Sandra Ritter is mentioned as having loaned you some pictures. She was also very excited to see this information, as we had no idea that Mathieu donated the land where the Catholic Church/School/Cemetary sit. Thanks again!!
ReplyDeleteMary Ann (Ritter) Eason
Lake Park, GA
Mathias Pousson's daughter Rosa was a painter. If anyone has any of her paintings, please send me pictures of them at Thanks!
ReplyDeleteMary Ann (Ritter) Eason